Beta testers
Welcome everyone to the brAInpower’s Club! This is a Club designed to support the development of a mindfulness app. The AI-powered app allows users to meditate with more attention, being warned if they become distracted. Also, emotional wellness is detected through speech, providing an overall analysis of the user's meditation performance.
I had never worked on a full-stack development project before, so I had to spend a lot of time learning new concepts and failing because I had no prior expertise with the backend or the frontend. The feeling that I was building something extraordinary motivated me to be resilient. However, as a solo entrepreneur, the path is, even more, steeper than a founder with a team, so I decided to rely on technology and open a Club to find talent who help me to undertake some responsibilities. With brAInpower’s Club, I could set up quests about running promotional campaigns on social media, open up an LLC in Delaware to receive investment, develop the financial model for the pre-seed valuation, and much more! The best part is that these people were paid with tokens, and one became the Chief Operation Officer (COO), a true privilege. Did I mention that the people who performed a quest at any point in time can access a beta release of the brAInpower app?